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Marc Cooper vs Elon Musk

February 5, 2024

Marc Cooper vs Elon Musk 

OK, Elon, I’m up for this fight. Let’s get it on.


Time to wake up to the new reality. Here. Now. Humans are being metamorphosized.


We’re on the edge of being changed into a different species, a different psychodynamic genus, by unnatural means. If we do nothing, what makes us human will be altered. That’s what this fight is all about.


Elon, it is not that your mission won’t succeed. Hell, you’re Eldon Musk, creator, and magician. World’s richest man. You can push nations around. You change entire industries. With Starlink you control a war. You’ve got tremendous intellect, ridiculous creative capacities, tons of money, and immense power. You are the true Goliath to my very infinitesimal David.


And yes, I know, it’s really stupid to pick a fight with Mike Tyson in his prime when you’re an aging featherweight. But somebody has got to step into the ring.


Someone must expand the other side of your mission’s inevitable consequences so it doesn’t consume us. I am here not to defeat you because I know you can’t be stopped. But if we get devoured by your almost-certain future, we will lose what is most precious: our humanity.


You and I both know we Westerners are at the beginning of our most radical transformation. If we don’t create an equilibrium, we will be fully engulfed and lose the very unique gifts of humankind.


As you grow your side, my mission is to serve and grow the other side to keep us stable. The other side is to expand our humanity. Humanity is the primary force for equanimity, fairness, spirituality, love, higher wisdom, and eternal values. None of those live within AI’s neural networks, which will soon be AI chips in people’s heads.


What will make the world more peaceful, compassionate, and equanimous is not making brains work better and faster. AI brain chips, without a counterbalance, will make things worse.


Now, Elon, I know you’ve got the upper hand. Money. Fame. Untouchable-ness. Superiority. You’re single-name-worthy as Jordon, Beyonce, or Oprah. But hey, I’m from Philly, and Rocky has always been my hero, and here’s why:


"Maybe I can't win. Maybe the only thing I can do is just take everything he's got. But to beat me he's gonna have to kill me, and to kill me he's gotta have the guts to stand in front of me, and to do that he's gotta be willin' to die himself. I don't know if he's ready to do that. I don't know. I don't know." — Rocky Balboa

Tyranny of the Obvious

Other players on the field, such as Synchon and Blackrock Neurotech, have tested their brain chips on monkeys who can now play video games. It is apparent where this future is headed. Elon, that’s why you’re in the game.  And you also know how to crush the competition. You’re never number two.

As you and Neuralink move into accelerated development of chip implants, with AI cutting Moore’s law from months to minutes, in short order, implants will be as common as cell phones to give people enhanced properties to think and perform. It’s inevitable.

Both you and I know this won’t be a one-way street. Now, and in the short term, you’ll figure out how to get the brain to think faster and clearer, given the chips' link to AI. We’ll all become like Bradley Cooper in the movie Limitless.

But Elon, I know everything that exists in form and time exists as a polarity. What is the simple definition of polarity? Polarity is a state or a condition of an atom or a molecule inherent in a body that exhibits opposite properties or powers in opposite parts or directions.

Upgradeable programming brain implants will put Alexa and the entire internet in everyone’s head. We talk to our cars now; soon, they’ll talk back. If unattended, what it means to be human will ultimately be expunged by self-advancing machine-generated algorithms.

Humanness is not programable. It’s existential, not existent. It’s metaphysical, not material. It’s out of time, not in time. It’s touched by God, not greed. I consider being human a sacred gift.

Neuralink implants will enable people to make more money, give them greater cognitive abilities, access top-grade conventional wisdom, and dramatically raise their performance and results level. Implants can impact some physiology, like compulsive eating thoughts and other additive thoughts. Who in our Western culture doesn’t want to be richer, have enhanced performance, and be skinnier?  And if you can make them sexier, it totally caps the trifecta.

“Hey, how much did you say those implants cost?”

“Does my insurance cover them?”

“If we hire you, we’ll pay for your implant upgrades.”

“Forget Ozempic, our chip will have you lose weight and keep it off without drugs, but also get your lazy ass to the gym.”

“If you’re a parent and qualify, Harvard now offers the Harvard chip; click here for more information.”

The future you are creating is obvious and unstoppable. But what it means to be human, the unique gift of our humanity, is at stake. In a Western culture that doesn’t care much about humanity, the odds of winning this fight are 10 to 1. But fighters don’t fight the odds, they fight the opponent.

But I believe what every religion, philosopher, and poet has said: we are spirit animals with intellect. If we only have intellect and lose our spirit, we will lose the essential core that makes us human. For me, that core is worth fighting for.

“You gotta be willing to take the hits and not point fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and that ain’t you. You’re better than that!" — Rocky Balboa


Elon, I've got great corner men. They understand our fight strategy.

The concept of polarity in our Western philosophy is entrenched in a tradition of dualism where opposing polarities, such as mind and matter, good and evil, being and non-being, rich and poor, and now, brain chips and humanity exist.

In modern physics, polarities, or dualities such as the wave-particle duality, are persistent. Nothing exists only as itself. Duality shows up everywhere. Metaphysics sees polarities as holistic, given you can’t have one without the other.  

Dualism is a constant phenomenon espoused by renowned thinkers Descartes, Plato, Hegel, and Wilber.  In Taoism, the Chinese philosophical tradition, dualism is expressed as Yin and Yang. In Hindu philosophy, dualism is held as Purusha (consciousness) and Prakriti (nature).

Buddha addressed the concept of dualism in his teachings, particularly in the context of understanding suffering and the nature of reality. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus speaks of love contrasted to hate.

Yep, everyone agrees. Anything that has form, that exists in time and space, exists in a dualistic way. There is no “in” without an “out.”

In the context of polarity, particularly when referring to concepts like magnetism or electrical charges, the strength and equality of both poles are crucial for stability and balance.

This principle of equal strength and power is grounded in the physics of these dualistic phenomena. This is true for all polarities. You need both poles equally as strong for stability and balance.

Elon, here’s my pitch. Given that stability and balance are made stronger by strengthening both poles, I’d like Neuralink to invest a few million in my work to expand people’s humanity so chips don’t eliminate what it means to be human.

If you want to improve the world and make it safer, healthier, and more peaceful, humanity needs the “juice,” not AI brain chips.

And with your “smarts, engineering capacities, and money,” you can help me build a world where conflict, hate, chaos, righteousness, war, and starvation have a good chance of being reduced or even eliminated – because that’s the essence of humanity. The heart lives in humanity, not neural networks.

So, Eldon, rather than fight, help me out to make this fight a draw. Help me build people’s humanity; help me expand humanity as you develop your AI brain chips. You can upgrade their minds, but nothing will change without upgrading their hearts.

And like you, Elon, “You and me, we don’t even have a choice." - Apollo Creed 

Elon, let me know. You can reach me through my website or my LinkedIn account.

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