The Sangha is the heart of our work.
Sangha is a Sanskrit word that can mean organization, group, or
community. In our context of contemporary elder, the Sangha is a
community of post-career men and women whose
purpose now is to become true elders in today’s world - in
accordance with the facts and reality of today’s world.
Sangha members consciously shift from an avoidance future of growing old to a created future of an elder. As an elder, life as lived becomes richer, deeper, and more meaningful. Members realize and live their higher purpose while transforming their capabilities to deal with the irrevocable changes of growing old.
Members of the Sangha develop themselves to be seen by others as true elders. As elders, their presence and higher wisdom are now invited to the table - spouse, family, community, business, or politics - where meaningful conversations occur. An elder’s speaking is profoundly heard, altering the outcomes of these conversations.
The Sangha Delivers
We provide bimonthly online Sangha gatherings. There is a theme carried out over four to six weeks of these gatherings. Forgiveness, Self-Compassion, Higher Consciousness, and Impermanence for example.
We deliver a yearly retreat led by our Elder Council. Retreats include Restorative Yoga, Meditation, Nature Walks, Mindfulness Movement, Traditional Elder Ceremonies, and Teachings. Given our location at Zion National Park, space is always limited. Registration is, therefore, on a first-come, first-serve basis.
We also have Special Events with Masters and renowned teachers from various disciplines present and engage with the Sangha. These online events are also open events.
We invite you to attend our open online gatherings. Elders trust their intuition and experience. But decisions are made after consideration. After a gathering or two, we believe you'll know if being a member of the Sangha is what you have been seeking.
Membership to the Sangha is $150.00/month and includes:
· 2 Sangha gathering Zoom gatherings twice a month – A gathering series with its theme, appropriate poem, meditation, group reflections, breakout rooms, and more.
· A Monthly Newsletter
· Weekly Essays on aspects of being an elder.
· Access to all previous meditations, blogs, resources, and podcast episodes.
· Access to 1:1 calls with Marc or with any member of the
Elder Council. Each has mastery in particular areas.
· Access to Special Events
· First notice of retreats & events
The Contemporary Elder Institute
No rights reserved | Take what you want
Address: Portland, OR 97210
Loreto B.C.S. Mexico 23887